What Is Artisan Pizza? A Guide to Understanding the Craft and Ingredients

Pizza in the old-fashioned way with premium ingredients is known as “artisan pizza.” As pizza enthusiasts, we can vouch that nothing compares to the flavor of freshly prepared artisan pizza.

Artisan Pizza

Artisan pizza is created with care and attention to detail, in contrast to conventional pizza, which is frequently mass-produced and made with inferior components.

An “artisan” is a craftsman who has completed a lengthy apprenticeship and has thus acquired the necessary skills and expertise. When used in reference to the culinary arts, it describes any cuisine prepared to utilize a manual approach or a traditional technique with premium ingredients.

The dough is normally baked with a sourdough starter, the toppings are typically fresh and purchased locally, and the pizza is made by hand in small batches. The pizza is cooked at a high temperature in a wood-fired oven, which causes the crust to become crispy and chewy.

In this essay, we will look at the history of artisan pizza, how to create it at home, and what distinguishes it from conventional pizza.

This article will provide you with all the knowledge you need about artisan pizza, whether you love pizza or are just interested in this delectable dish.

What is Artisan Pizza?

At its core, artisan pizza is a type of pizza that is made with high-quality ingredients and a unique preparation method.

Artisan Pepperoni Pizza

Unlike regular pizza, which is often mass-produced with lower-quality ingredients, artisan pizza is crafted with care and attention to detail.

To make an artisan pizza, we start with the dough. We use high-quality flour, water, yeast, and a small amount of olive oil to create a thin, crispy crust.

We let the dough rise slowly, which allows the yeast to ferment and develop a complex flavor.

Next, we add the toppings. We use only the freshest, locally sourced ingredients, including San Marzano tomatoes, fresh basil leaves, and high-quality mozzarella cheese. We also experiment with different flavor combinations, such as prosciutto and arugula or fig and gorgonzola.

Once the toppings are added, we bake the pizza in a wood-fired oven at a high temperature. This allows the crust to develop a crispy, chewy texture and the toppings to cook evenly.

Artisan pizza is a labor of love that requires time, attention to detail, and high-quality ingredients. It is a true culinary art form that has been perfected over generations in Italy.

The Art of Making Artisan Pizza

As pizza lovers, we know that there’s nothing quite like a perfectly crafted artisan pizza. The art of making artisan pizza is a combination of traditional methods, attention to detail, and high-quality ingredients.

Artisan Pizza with Shitake Mushrooms

Here’s how we make our artisan pizza:

Pizza Dough

The foundation of any great pizza is the dough. We use Italian flour and combine it with water, yeast, and salt to create a dough that’s perfect for our wood-fired oven.

We knead the dough by hand or use a stand mixer to ensure it has the perfect consistency. We let the dough rise for several hours to develop flavor and texture.

Artisan Pizza Crust

Our artisan pizza crust is thin, crispy, and has a slight chewiness to it. We achieve this by using a combination of Italian flour and cornmeal in our dough. We also use a baking stone in our wood-fired oven to create a crispy crust.

Traditional Method

We believe that the traditional method of making pizza is the best way to create an artisan pizza. This means that we make our pizza by hand, using traditional techniques that have been passed down through generations.

We pay attention to every detail, from the kneading of the dough to the placement of the toppings.

Hand-Crafted Toppings

The toppings on our artisan pizza are hand-crafted and carefully selected. We use only the freshest ingredients, including extra virgin olive oil, San Marzano tomatoes, and locally sourced meats and vegetables.

Our chefs take great care in placing the toppings in just the right way to ensure that each bite is perfect.

Wood-Fired Oven

Our wood-fired oven is an essential part of our artisan pizza-making process. The oven is heated to a high temperature, which allows us to cook our pizzas quickly and evenly. The wood-fired oven also gives our pizzas a unique flavor and texture that can’t be replicated in a conventional oven.


Making artisan pizza is a craft that requires skill and attention to detail. Our chefs take great pride in their work and approach each pizza as a work of art.

They pay attention to every detail, from the kneading of the dough to the placement of the toppings, to ensure that each pizza is perfect.

Making artisan pizza is a combination of traditional methods, high-quality ingredients, and attention to detail. We take great care in every step of the process to create a pizza that’s truly a work of art.

The Difference Between Artisan Pizza and Regular Pizza

When it comes to pizza, there are two main types: artisan pizza and regular pizza. While both are delicious in their own right, there are a few key differences between the two.

Closer look of Artisan Pizza


One of the primary differences between artisan pizza and regular pizza is the quality of the ingredients used.

Artisan pizza typically uses high-quality, locally-sourced ingredients, while regular pizza may rely on lower-quality, less expensive ingredients.

This means artisan pizza often has a fresher, more flavorful taste than regular pizza.


Another key difference between artisan pizza and regular pizza is the crust. Artisan pizza crusts are often thicker, chewier, and more flavorful than regular pizza crusts.

They may also be made with different types of flour, such as whole wheat or spelt, which can add to the flavor and texture of the crust.

On the other hand, regular pizza crusts are often thinner and crispier than artisan pizza crusts. This can be a matter of personal preference, but some people prefer the crunchiness of a regular pizza crust.


Artisan pizza toppings are often more unique and creative than regular pizza toppings. They may include gourmet ingredients such as truffle oil, goat cheese, or prosciutto, which can add a lot of flavor and texture to the pizza.

Regular pizza toppings, on the other hand, are often more traditional and straightforward. They may include classic toppings such as pepperoni, sausage, or mushrooms.


While both artisan pizza and regular pizza can be high in calories, artisan pizza is often considered to be the healthier option.

This is because artisan pizza often uses fresher, healthier ingredients, such as whole wheat flour and fresh vegetables, which can help to reduce the overall calorie count of the pizza.

While both artisan pizza and regular pizza are delicious, there are a few key differences between the two.

Artisan pizza is often made with higher-quality ingredients, has a thicker and chewier crust, and more unique toppings, and can be a healthier option.

Regular pizza, on the other hand, often has a thinner and crispier crust, and more traditional toppings, and can be a great option for those who prefer a classic pizza taste.

Types of Artisan Pizza

When it comes to artisan pizza, there are many different types to choose from. Each type has its own unique style, toppings, and cooking method. In this section, we will explore some of the most popular types of artisan pizza.

Sicilian Pizza

Neapolitan Pizza

Neapolitan pizza is one of the most popular types of artisan pizza. It originated in Naples, Italy, and is known for its thin, crispy crust and simple toppings.

The most classic Neapolitan pizza is the Margherita, which features tomato sauce, fresh mozzarella, and basil.

Sicilian Pizza

Sicilian pizza is a thick, square pizza that is known for its fluffy, doughy crust. It is typically topped with tomato sauce, cheese, and a variety of vegetables, such as onions, olives, and garlic. Some variations of Sicilian pizza also include anchovies, pepperoni, or sausage.

Chicago-Style Pizza

Chicago-style pizza is a deep-dish pizza that is cooked in a cast iron pan. It is known for its thick, buttery crust and generous amounts of cheese and toppings. Some popular toppings for Chicago-style pizza include sausage, onions, and green peppers.

New York-Style Pizza

New York-style pizza is a thin, crispy pizza that is known for its large slices and foldability. It is typically topped with tomato sauce, cheese, and a variety of toppings, such as pepperoni, sausage, and vegetables. New York-style pizza is often sold by the slice and is a popular street food.

Square Pizza

Square pizza is a type of pizza that is cooked in a square pan. It is known for its thick, doughy crust and crispy edges. Square pizza can be topped with a variety of toppings, such as pepperoni, sausage, and vegetables.

Street Food Pizza

Street food pizza is a type of pizza that is sold by vendors on the street. It is typically cooked in a wood-fired oven and is known for its crispy crust and simple toppings.

Street food pizza can be topped with a variety of ingredients, such as cheese, vegetables, and meat. There are many different types of artisan pizza to choose from.

Whether you prefer a thin, crispy crust or a thick, doughy crust, there is a type of artisan pizza that is perfect for you. So, the next time you are in the mood for pizza, why not try something new and exciting?

Artisan Pizza Toppings

When it comes to artisan pizza toppings, the possibilities are endless. At our pizzeria, we pride ourselves on using only the freshest ingredients to create unique and delicious pizzas. Here are some of our favorite artisan pizza toppings:

Artisan Pizza Toppings

Fresh Vegetables

We believe that fresh vegetables are the key to a great artisan pizza. We like to use a variety of colorful vegetables, such as bell peppers, mushrooms, onions, and tomatoes.

We also like to experiment with more unusual vegetables, like roasted eggplant, artichoke hearts, and zucchini. By using fresh vegetables, we can create pizzas that are both healthy and flavorful.


While we love our vegetarian pizzas, we also appreciate a good meat topping. We like to use high-quality meats, such as prosciutto, sausage, and bacon.

We also like to experiment with more unusual meats, like duck confit or lamb sausage. By using high-quality meats, we can create pizzas that are rich and satisfying.


At our pizzeria, we believe that cheese is an essential component of a great pizza. We like to use a variety of cheeses, such as mozzarella, parmesan, and goat cheese.

We also like to experiment with more unusual cheeses, like gorgonzola or fontina. By using a variety of cheeses, we can create pizzas that are both creamy and tangy.

Other Toppings

In addition to vegetables, meats, and cheeses, we like to experiment with other toppings to create unique and delicious pizzas. Some of our favorite toppings include:

  • Olives
  • Anchovies
  • Pineapple
  • Arugula
  • Truffle oil

By using a variety of toppings, we can create pizzas that are both surprising and delicious.

The Importance of Fat

Finally, we believe that fat is an important component of a great artisan pizza. We like to use high-quality olive oil to coat the pizza dough and enhance the flavor of the toppings.

We also like to use butter or cream to create rich and creamy sauces. By using high-quality fats, we can create pizzas that are both flavorful and satisfying.

In summary, at our pizzeria, we believe that the key to a great artisan pizza is using fresh ingredients, experimenting with a variety of toppings, and using high-quality fats.

By following these principles, we can create pizzas that are both delicious and unique.

Choosing the Right Ingredients for Artisan Pizza

When it comes to making artisan pizza, choosing the right ingredients is crucial. We want to make sure that every element of the pizza is of the highest quality to create a delicious and authentic experience.

Vegetarian Artisan Pizza

Here are some key factors to consider when selecting ingredients for your artisan pizza.

Locally sourced ingredients: We believe in supporting local farmers and businesses whenever possible. By using locally sourced ingredients, we not only ensure the freshest possible ingredients, but we also support our community.

High-quality flour: The flour is the foundation of the pizza, so it’s important to choose high-quality flour. Look for flour that is specifically designed for pizza making, such as Caputo 00 flour, which is commonly used in Italy.

gluten-free options: For those who are gluten intolerant, we offer gluten-free flour options. We believe that everyone should be able to enjoy a delicious artisan pizza, regardless of dietary restrictions.

Pizza sauce recipe: Our pizza sauce recipe is a carefully crafted blend of garlic, tomatoes, olive oil, oregano, and kosher salt. We use only the freshest ingredients to create a rich and flavorful sauce that complements the pizza perfectly.

High-temperature cooking: Artisan pizza is traditionally cooked at high temperatures, typically around 900 degrees Fahrenheit. This high heat creates a crispy and chewy crust with a delicious char.

Salt and oil: The right amount of salt and oil can make all the difference in the flavor and texture of the pizza. We use high-quality sea salt and extra-virgin olive oil to enhance the flavor of the pizza.

Cost considerations: While we believe in using high-quality ingredients, we also understand the importance of keeping costs reasonable. We strive to balance cost with quality to ensure that our artisan pizza is accessible to everyone.

Choosing the right ingredients is essential for creating a delicious and authentic artisan pizza. From locally sourced ingredients to high-quality flour, our focus is on creating a pizza that is both delicious and accessible to all.

Tips for Making the Perfect Artisan Pizza

When it comes to making the perfect artisan pizza, there are a few key tips that we always keep in mind. Here are some of our best practices for creating a delicious and authentic artisan pizza:

Start with the Right Dough

The foundation of any great pizza is the dough, and artisan pizza is no exception. For a chewy and flavorful crust, we recommend using high-quality flour and letting the dough rise for at least 24 hours.

This long fermentation time helps to develop the complex flavors and textures that are characteristic of artisan pizza.

Use High-Quality Ingredients

In addition to the dough, the toppings are also key to creating a delicious artisan pizza. We recommend using fresh, high-quality ingredients, such as locally-sourced vegetables and artisanal cheeses.

When it comes to cheese, we prefer to use a blend of mozzarella and Parmesan for a rich and flavorful topping.

Pay Attention to the Details

Making an artisan pizza requires care and attention to detail. For example, we always brush the crust with olive oil before adding the sauce and toppings, which helps to create a crispy and flavorful crust.

We also make sure to preheat our baking surface for at least 30 minutes to ensure even cooking.

Experiment with Different Recipes

While there are certain guidelines to follow when making an artisan pizza, there’s also plenty of room for experimentation.

We love trying out different flavor combinations and toppings to keep things interesting. Some of our favorite toppings include prosciutto, arugula, and roasted garlic.

Give It Time

Finally, making an artisan pizza requires time and patience. From letting the dough rise to preheating the oven, there are several steps that require a bit of waiting. But trust us, the end result is well worth the effort.

By following these tips and putting in a bit of effort, you can create a delicious and authentic artisan pizza right in your own kitchen.


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